What is the Divine Mercy anyways?

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Have you heard Catholics throw around the term “Divine Mercy”? Ever wonder what it is all about? Well, we’ve got some insights.

First of all…

Divine Mercy Sunday Live Stream at 8:30a.m. Sunday, April 19th

As Catholics, we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday on the Sunday following Easter. These events will be in real time and if you are logged into Facebook, it will allow you to greet, comment, respond on your computer or device. You can even post pictures of you and/or your family to help us create a visual of our community!

You can also see the live stream at www.nativitydisciples.org/live

Please see the information below about how you can prepare your family for a virtual Mass in your home including a Spiritual Communion prayer at the bottom. This is an internet live stream. If you do not have internet access, you can watch Bishop Ricken on WFRV @ 10:30a.m. 

What is the Divine Mercy image?

The Divine Mercy image depicts Jesus at the moment he appears to the disciples in the Upper Room, after the Resurrection, when he empowers them to forgive or retain sins. This moment is recorded in John 20:19-31, which is the Gospel reading for this Sunday. This reading is placed on this day because it includes the appearance of Jesus to the Apostle Thomas (in which Jesus invites him to touch his wounds). This event occurred on the eighth day after the Resurrection (John 20:26), and so it is used on the liturgy eight days after Easter.

Where did the image come from? 

Jesus appeared to St. Faustina in a vision, with his right hand raised in a blessing and his left touching his garment above his heart. Red and white/blue rays emanate from his heart, symbolizing the blood and water that was poured out for our salvation and our sanctification.

Why are the Divine Mercy image and prayers significant?

It is all about preparing our hearts for when Jesus comes again.

“The Lord makes clear in Scripture that when He returns He's not going to deal with sin, because He's done that once and for all. When He comes again, it's "to bring salvation to those who eagerly await Him" (Heb 9:28).

So when people ask me why is the message of Divine Mercy important for the world today, the answer is simple: Through the message of Divine Mercy, our Lord is preparing us for His final coming.

The mission the Lord gave her (St. Faustina) was not only to remind the world of the great mercy of God as revealed in Sacred Scripture, but also to teach us new forms of devotion to The Divine Mercy and to initiate a movement of apostles of The Divine Mercy who show a childlike trust in God and love of neighbor.”


How does the church pray with and celebrate the devotion to Divine Mercy?

The Divine Mercy devotion has many expressions from a daily chaplet, to a 9-day prayer called a "novena" to the special Sunday celebration that was declared by John Paul II. Check out the chaplet instructions below as well as a video about Divine Mercy recommended by Father Mike!
