Service to the World, Our Impact

There are so many aspects and needs to our daily lives as people and as Christians. Here at Nativity, we are committed to serving the needs of our members as well as the needs of our community. As a parish family we do this through the service and dedication of our members. As baptized Christians, we are all called and equipped to share the Gospel - often with actions rather than words. Below you will find the names and descriptions of many of our parish ministries. We encourage you to pray about the areas were you can serve as well as the areas were other may be able to serve you.

This list is not exhaustive. There are other areas where we may need help or ideas and not even know it! We encourage you to reach out to a staff member if you’d like further information or support regarding our ministries.

Faith Formation

Are you interested in helping provide quality Faith Formation for our parish children? We invite you to be a member of our ministry. We are seeking parish members from a variety of backgrounds who are interested in helping the Faith Formation Ministry grow.

Please prayerfully consider being a:
Catechists for grade 1-11
Substitute Catechists for grades 1-11

For more details, contact Angela Bieda in the Faith Formation Office 920-499-6012.


Worship Ministry
"Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the church is directed; at the same time it is the fountain from which all her power flows."
 (from the Catholic Church's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.)

The Worship Ministry takes as its mission this realization of the Vatican II vision. Thus, they are entrusted to prepare well for the Church's liturgy by enabling all to share their God given gifts by providing opportunities for all of us to participate in Sunday Liturgy. It is through our celebration of Eucharist that we are called to bring the light of Christ into the world through our daily actions.

Volunteer Ministries/Opportunities
The Worship Ministry has many ways you can volunteer by looking into one of their nine Liturgical Ministries and/or five Volunteer opportunities. For more information please contact Dcn. John Bundra at the parish office 920-499-5156 ext. 209.

Living Justice

Providing opportunities for parishioners to put the social teachings of the church into action and Advocacy.

LENT 2010 Fr. Benjamins logo sandals and cross.gif

Who We Are

The Living Justice Ministry is a group of parishioners committed to putting their faith into action in a way that will foster pastoral concern and promote social justice and peace for the people in our community and the world. Living Justice is an extension of the Parish Council and works jointly with the Green Bay Diocese and other social concerns efforts.

Confirmation 2013 (1).JPG

All are welcome

All parishioners are invited to join us in our ministry. We meet 7 - 9 times per year on the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm for updates from the various activity leaders and members. This is a great opportunity for us to be the hands and feet of Christ. Time commitment is your decision.  Some members come to the meetings to try to find their calling.  No commitment is required.  Contact Dcn. Mike Dabeck at the parish office 920-499-5156 ext. 208.


How we reach out

NEW Community Shelter Meal

Ecumenical Partnership for Housing

Hope Center - Love Life & Hope Center Pantry

Ashcares & Ashwaubenon High School Closet

Respect Life

Nativity Christmas Giving Tree

Feed My Starving Children MobilePack

Rosebud Collection  

Loads of Love

Stocked Shelves Food Pantry

Knights of Columbus

St. Vincent de Paul

Parish Pastoral Council

For more information contact the council chair and vice chair via our webform to the right or call Fr. Matt Simonar at 920-499-5156.

The Parish Pastoral Ministry is a group of thirteen parish members, some selected in prayer and some appointed by the commissions to lead the parish in a consultative role by formulating policies, fostering good communication and establishing goals that witness to our parish vision of gospel values. Minutes of Pastoral Council meetings are always available - please use the contacts below.

Do you have a question or comment for the Parish Pastoral Ministry? We want to hear from you! We will respond to you directly or in The Open Forum of the bulletin as much as possible. Simply fill out the form below.



The Stewardship Ministry is comprised of seven parish members who work closely with the Parish Pastoral and Finance Ministries in carrying out the parish efforts of prayer, service and sharing. Stewardship is a Christian way of life in which we become more conscious of God's many gifts and of our responsibility to care for those gifts.

Volunteer Opportunities

For more information contact the parish office 920-499-5156

Stewardship Ministry  

Maintains & facilitates the welcoming of new parishioners. Meets as a branch of Stewardship/as needed.

Women’s Guild

The Nativity Women’s Guild was formed in 1982 to unite the women of the Parish, promote their spiritual and temporal welfare and to help fill the needs of the parish in the form of fund raising events.

Thinking differently during COVID

Preparing for our wonderful parish fundraising events!

purpose, membership and meetings

The Nativity Women’s Guild was formed in 1982 to unite the women of the Parish, promote their spiritual and temporal welfare and to help fill the needs of the parish in the form of fund raising events.

Women of the parish 18 years and older are cordially invited to join. Membership dues are minimal and are paid annually.

Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month, September through December, February through June, unless otherwise stated.  

No Meetings in January, July and August.

Guild Member of the Year Recognition

Guild Member of the Year Recognition

Annual CALENDAR OF EVENts Highlights:


Lick Family Violence - Annual Sucker Sale - October (donations went to benefit Golden House)

Fund Raisers

Winter Wonderland Bazaar—November

Spring Rummage Sale—April


Mother Daughter Gathering - May

Appreciation Dinner & Installation of Officers – June

Installation of Officers

Installation of Officers

Service to the Gospel

Provided Financial Support to the Parish such as (but not limited to)

  • Priest vestments

  • New rugs for Parish entryway

  • Technology updates to improve streaming capability

  • Funds for future planned Sanctuary

  • Funds to support Parish unplanned expenses

  • TV/Audio Visual for Bona Hall

  • Floor scrubber for campus maintenance

  • Updates to the kitchen including additional stools, new knives, and new serveware

  • Supported non-profit organization “Brightening Veterans’ Lives” (first time outreach beyond the walls of the parish)

  • Parish Concrete Outdoor Sign

  • Defibrillator

  • Holy Family Sculpture

  • Riding Lawn Mowers/Snow Blowers

  • Banquet Tables Bona Hall

  • Air Conditioning Bona Hall

  • Kitchen Ovens/Stove /Remodeling

  • Concert Grand Piano

  • Automatic Lift in Church

  • Copper Cross on top of Church



Disciples, those baptized in Christ, are called to be supporters, encouragers and helpers to those in need from our families, to our communities, to our world. Our parish family has wonderful opportunities for you to help practice your generous service.