How Have I Been Blessed?


By Deacon John Bundra

These past eight weeks or so have really been a struggle for many of us. With each passing day the news media seems to focus more and more about the things we cannot do. They tell us that the “new normal” won’t be normal at all and that we may have to learn to get on with our lives while continuing to deal with some type of ongoing adversity.

I know that personally I have stopped watching the news because I just don’t know what is factual anymore. I don’t know how some jobs are considered essential and others are not. It is very easy for us to focus on negativity.

I do know that when I have time during the day to reflect on my life within the context of the challenges today, that I truly have been blessed. Science tells us that gratitude is a mind and life-changing tool. What we fill our hearts with is what will spill over when we become overwhelmed. I encourage all of you to take the time to see how your lives have been blessed during these unprecedented times. Here is a list of blessings for you to review just as a starting point for your reflection.

  • Families are eating more meals together.

  • Extended families are more connected with each other making sure that we are doing well.

  • Neighbors are more connected and providing for one another’s needs.

  • Children are being home-schooled and receiving more of their parents’ attention.

  • We have more time to do things we say we’d do if we had more time: pray, clean, read.

  • Many of us can work remotely thus not having any commute time; certainly, in larger cities that has truly been a blessing.

  • I am truly living in the moment instead of worrying about what is coming next.

  • I am learning to control only what I have control over and putting my trust in God.

  • I am thankful for all that God has given me. All I have is a gift from Him.

Before each meal, my wife and I say the meal prayer. You all know it. “Bless us O Lord and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ Our Lord. Amen.”

We end the prayer with, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God have mercy on us, thank you for the

The meal prayer is not just about the food we will immediately consume, but about all of the “gifts” we are about to receive, we will receive in the future and those that we have already received.

How Have You Been Blessed?