
Meet Our Parish Staff


Fr. Mathew Simonar, Pastor - Click to Email

Fr. Matt comes to us from his time at the Antigo Area Catholic Churches. He has served just about every area of our diocese from Manitowoc to Oshkosh to Door County and Brillion. The Holy Spirit has been a clear force in each of his assignments and he looks forward to serving Nativity going forward. He is a native of southern Door County and is a graduate from St. John Vianney (St. Paul, Minnesota) and Mundelein (Chicago) seminaries and has been ordained for 26 years.

Interesting fact: Fr. Matt has always had some relatives at each parish he has served.


Dcn. John Bundra - CLICK to email

I am married to my beautiful wife Debi. We moved to Green Bay from Chicago (die-hard Bears fan) in 1989 and we moved to Wrightstown in 2018. I was ordained a deacon in 2014 and assigned to Nativity right after ordination. God must have a sense of humor because he put a die-hard Bears fan in the shadow of Lambeau Field!

We have 4 children all married; a daughter in Dublin Ireland, a daughter in Detroit, a daughter in Greenleaf and a son in Wrightstown. We have 6 grandchildren; 3 granddaughters in Ireland including twins, 2 granddaughters in Wrightstown and a grandson in Greenleaf.

We have a 3-legged cat named Ditch who thinks he is a dog.

I believe that I was called by Christ to serve people on a larger scale than just in my immediate family and circle of friends. Many people are looking for someone to walk with on their journey to Christ. They are looking for someone to meet them where they are without being judged.


Dcn. Michael Dabeck - Click to email

My name is Deacon Michael Dabeck.

I have worked at Nativity Parish as of February 8,2017. My wife Ann and I have been married for 38 years and have two sons. Jameson, our older son, lives in Stevens Point working as a Statistical Analyst for Sentry Insurance. Robenson, our younger son, is attending school at NWTC working on a degree in Digital Media and Photography. He lives with us in Allouez.

Since my Ordination in May of 2010, I have wanted to serve a parish on a full-time basis, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit and being the pastoral servant I was ordained to be. I have been involved in many different ministries throughout the Nativity Community and I believe I am fulfilling God’s plan for me here. My family and I are excited to continue our journey and ask for your prayers and support as we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I look forward to be the hands and feet of Christ to many as I serve here at Nativity Parish.


Tricia Westhoven, business manager - click to email

I am blessed to be part of the staff and community of people at Nativity of Our Lord! It is by the grace of God that I have been able to return to my native Wisconsin to live, to work and to continue to fulfill God’s purpose for my life.

I graduated from St. Norbert College and completed a two-year Diocesan Lay Ministry Formation Program while living in Illinois. I have enjoyed working in parish life for the past 16 years, including a position in Youth Ministry and as a Parish Business Manager. I have been involved in church life in many ways over the years including Marriage Ministry, Pro-Life Ministry, youth mission trips and community outreach.

God has always laid on my heart that my main focus should be on family! My husband, Doug, and I have been blessed with three amazing children and six awesome grandchildren who are the absolute joy of my life. I appreciate spending quality time with them at home, at our cabin or during visits to see family and friends. My other passions include traveling, healthy cooking and eating (except for ice cream) and reaching out to care for others.

Other than my family, I am very passionate about our beautiful, rich Catholic faith and my personal relationship with Christ. We are members at St. John the Baptist in Howard. My persistent prayer is to enrich the lives of others by listening, learning and serving in His name. As I grow spiritually so does the forgiveness, humility, peace and joy in my life. I continue to be a blend of Martha and Mary – keeping things organized while being extremely grateful for every encounter I have with the parishioners of Nativity and the surrounding community.


Cindy Gottfredsen, bookkeeper - click to email

I am grateful for the opportunity to be the bookkeeper for Nativity Parish.  My husband, Kevin, and I have been active members of Nativity for over 30 years and have been blessed with two daughters, Mikayla and Nicole, and two sons, Tyler and Landon.  In addition to my love for our Lord, my Catholic faith and my family, I love spending time with my family and friends, going for walks and reading.  I look forward to becoming even more involved with the community here at Nativity.

Angela Bieda Staff Photo.JPG

Angela Bieda, Faith Formation Coordinator-Click to Email

Hello, my name is Angela Bieda.  I feel blessed to be your Faith Formation Coordinator!  I am incredibly grateful to get to work with such an amazing staff and dedicated church community here at Nativity. I look forward to working alongside families, catechists, and volunteers in the Faith Formation Program to teach our children about God and pass on the gift of our faith.   

I have over 20 years of experience working in religious education.  I completed the Commissioned Ministry program and was commissioned in both Religious Education and Youth Ministry in 2008.  I understand how busy families are.  My husband Matt and I are proud parents to 4 adult children. Michael, Matthew, Max, and Mandy. We look forward to grandkids in our (hopefully) near future...but until then, we keep busy staying active with running, hiking, and mountain biking.  You can find us in Door County most weekends exploring one park or another.

I believe that faith is a gift.  It does not matter where you are in your faith journey.  God is always there for you, ready to meet you right where you are at…and so are we here at Nativity!


Jennie LeMere, Parish Receptionist - click to email

I am honored to be the receptionist at Nativity of Our Lord Parish. As receptionist I have the pleasure and privilege of meeting you face to face and being able to directly serve your needs when you stop by the Parish Office. Since things often start with a phone call - it is great to be able to meet you in person and establish a personal connection to the voice on the phone. I’m blessed to be able to hear and share in the personal stories of your Faith journey. It still is amazing to me as I continue to meet more and more people in our Faith Community how we all seem to be connected in some way in God’s community. I look forward to meeting more of our Parish member as well as those of you who desire to become part of the Nativity of Our Lord Faith Community. Please stop by and say Hi - all are welcome!


George Skolasinski, maintenance supervisor - click to email

I am George and I read this on a coffee mug and feel it fits how I am, so it goes like this:
Your will to succeed
Is foretold in your name,
For there’s nothing can stop you
Once you’ve set your aim.
You know the way to
Make a chore seem like fun.
You get things to happen;
You see things get done.
You’ll prosper from
Each idea you generate,
And reap rich rewards
From all that you create.


Mary Greene, housekeeper - click to email

Hello, my name is Mary Greene. I graduated from West High School and after many different jobs, found my purpose here at Nativity Parish 9 years ago. I have 3 grown children – 2 sons and a daughter who all live and work in Green Bay. When I’m home I enjoy reading, cooking, and gardening. Spending time with family and friends is very important to me. One of the best parts of my job is being able to listen to parishioners when they need to talk or tell me about what’s going on in their lives.

I would not say cleaning is my passion, but making the church welcoming for all is what I strive to do. Cleanliness is next to Godliness!! John 13:34-35 says “And now I give you a new commandment, love one another. If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.”