

One-by-one Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ,
we thank you for your great love
and for forming us into your holy people.

You are the One calling us, one by One,
into a deeper relationship with you.
You continue to call us one by One
to share your love with others.

Lord, may the gifts you have given us
motivate us to impact our families,
parishes, schools and ministries
through our generosity to the
one by One campaign.

Set our communities on fire with your love,
eager to share the joy of the Gospel
and lead all people to the Kingdom of God.



“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” Melodie Beattie

One of the reasons I believe strongly in the one-by-One campaign is that I believe that the Holy Spirit will use all of our gifts to turn what we have into the continued healing and abundant love of Jesus Christ in our world today. - Fr. Mike Ingold

Campaign Priorities

Your participation in the one-by-One campaign will bring us closer to the diocesan vision of having 1000 formed diocesan missionary leaders by 2025 AND specifically support our parish family’s efforts to:


1.      Invite, welcome and warm the hearts of people

  • Refreshed flooring

  • lighting and furniture

  • explore additional outreach opportunities and communication tools to connect with our members and community

2.      Enhance and experience the sacred beauty of our faith and worship

  • a new crucifix

  • new more visible Stations of the Cross for our sanctuary

  • exploration of signs for airport, hotels and travelers

3.      Hear and Reflect on God’s Sacred Word

  • improved sound system

  • updated audio visual tools

4.      Improve accessibility and safety for all God’s Children

  • re-pavement of the parish parking lot

We are part of a much larger mission field as the diocese of Green Bay and the Catholic church. Together we can grow immeasurably. As disciples of Jesus, it is our privilege to inspire others, members, visitors and the community-at-large, to seek Jesus and walk the faith journey wherever they go.

Though we know that everyone will share different gifts, we can all commit to the same sacrifice. We can each give from God’s gifts to us in order to bring others closer to Jesus. God will turn what we have to give into more than enough to continue building the Kingdom of God in our families, our parish and our world.

Below you will see the breakdown of various levels of gifts given over 3 years, the recommended length of the campaign commitment.

Campaign Graph (1).jpg