Protecting God’s Children - Safe Environment

We are grateful to have you as a volunteer and welcome you! We appreciate your willingness to join us and invest in the formation of faith of others in our parish community.

As a parish family, we need to ensure that anyone serving around our parish is prepared to support and protect our children and our vulnerable adults. As part of the national and diocesan efforts to end abuse, everyone ministering around or with our youth and/or vulnerable adults are expected to complete a background check, our Protecting God’s Children awareness session; as well as annually signing a code of conduct and completing a recertification training through a program called VIRTUS. It is important that we are all well versed on the signs of abuse and how to report abuse so that we can be protectors of all the vulnerable in our community.

There are only three initial steps to complete and the good news is that the process is right at your fingertips. These steps must be completed BEFORE you start in your ministries. Please click on the links below for Registration Instructions and to access the VIRTUS Registration page. The Access Code is: gbdioc04

  1. Background Check and References

After registering on VIRTUS, the first step to a Safe Environment is to complete a background check.

You will need your legal name as it appears on your driver’s license, your social security number and three references with full mailing addresses.

2. VIRTUS Session

The second step is to complete the Protecting God’s Children for Adults training module online through VIRTUS.

3. Code of Conduct

The third step is to complete the e-signing of the Pastoral Code of Conduct document through VIRTUS.