Share Jesus

“…the first proclamation must ring out over and over: ‘Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.’” – (EG, #164)


A disciple is one who accompanies and is accompanied by other followers of Jesus.

We share the Gospel by proclaiming the basic story of salvation, the basic story of Jesus, in history and in our lives.


Become a Missionary Disciple sent out to others: especially those closest to you – family, friends, associates, those in our workplace, our neighborhoods, our communities.

We must proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior, helping people to grasp what it means to have Jesus as their Savior — not in a theoretical way, but that every day they have a Savior, someone who will lift them from their fatigue of the day, of their sin, and their mistakes, and who renews them. He saves us. When you proclaim this living, crucified and risen Jesus, something always happens.” - Fr. Raniero Cantalmessa, OFM Cap


Ways to share Jesus

Sharing stories of faith




Mass media

Person to person

Personal devotion

Small communities