The Paraclete


By Deacon John Bundra

During these difficult times I am reminded of the book:  The Coffee Bean written by Jon Gordon and Damon West.  The story asks us how we are reacting to our current environment.  The environment in the story is a pot of boiling water. 

The authors write: “Life is often difficult.  It can be harsh, stressful and feel like a pot of boiling hot water.  The environment we find ourselves in can change, weaken or harden us, and test who we truly are.  We can be like the carrot that weakens in  the pot or like the egg that hardens.  Or, we can be like the coffee bean and discover the power inside us to transform our environment.”

We have heard over and over again that we are a product of our environment but almost no one tells us that we have the power to enhance or change our environment. If you don’t like the situation you are in, then change the situation.  Change how you act or react.  Change the tone of your response.   Change the words you use.  I have had discussions with many of our parishioners who are over 60 and when they read, “we urge you not to come” many of them have asked me directly why they are not wanted  or welcome.

The “safe at home” initiative was to keep people physically safe but it does not take into account psychological or mental health.  We are a people that need community.  As Catholic Christians community is even more necessary because we are the “Body of Christ”.  We are the church of Christ.

The environment we are in today can be difficult, scary and anxiety filled, but it can also be a time for growth, contemplation and reprioritization.  It can be a time for prayer and reflection.  Enhancing or changing our environment is not always easy.  We must be able to see the positive or the good even in the most challenging situations.

We are not asked or expected to do it alone.  We have Jesus as our example and the Holy Spirit  as our support or counselor.  The Holy Spirit is our Paraclete, our guide. 

“Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.  Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful. Grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy his consolations, through Christ Our Lord.   Amen