A Note from the Pastor: Staffing Announcement


June 1, 2020

Dear Parishioners,

As I write this letter we have just celebrated the Pentecost Mass and began the Holy Communion outside of Mass services.  It was so good to welcome parishioners back into our church and for some it was an emotional experience.  I am looking forward to the return of the celebration of the Mass on the weekend of June 13th and 14th – the Feast of Corpus Christi – when we can gather at 25% of our seating capacity.

Within this letter I need to share some important and timely information with you.  We all realize that no one has been unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic we are living through – our parish is no exception.  For many, that comes in the form of an economic impact as people struggle to provide daily necessities for their families.

One of the ways we have been impacted as a parish is the declining trend in the weekly offering due to the implications of the pandemic in the lives of our parishioners.  At present, our parish finance council is projecting a budget deficit in the range of $65,000.00 by the end of June.

In discerning how to respond to that challenge I have needed to look at our current level of parish staffing.  I have made the difficult decision to make a reduction in force and the position currently held by Wayne Efferson, our Director of Worship, has been affected.  Wayne’s last day with us at Nativity will be June 30, 2020.

I am grateful to Wayne for his more than 30 years of dedicated service and ministry to the people of the parish through the years.  We will be planning an event so we can offer him the grateful recognition that is fitting.

Moving forward many of the responsibilities regarding the coordination of worship will be assumed by Deacon John.  I am in the process of finalizing those details.  I am grateful that Wayne will have some time to assist Deacon John in the transition.

While it is difficult to learn of yet more change for the parish, there is so much positive and forward moving momentum present in the parish community.  Again, I am grateful for the time I have been able to be with you and trust that the Holy Spirit will continue to do wonderful things among you.


Fr. Mike Ingold
